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Employee Benefits Enrollment

Good afternoon SSAISD Staff,           

2022-2023 Open Enrollment for Insurance Benefits begins on August 22, 2022, through September 8, 2022! The Enrollment Guide is attached for your reference.

Open Enrollment is the best time to review your current benefit selections, verify that your dependents are listed correctly on your plans, ensure that your beneficiaries are up to date as you intend, and make any needed changes to your selections. 

We are happy to inform you that there will be no rate increases to any of the medical or supplemental insurance plans. 

Cigna will continue to be the carrier of our group health insurance and there will be no other changes to carriers this year.

It is mandatory to review and confirm your benefit selections, even if you do not want to make any changes.

You can review your selections by either attending an on-site enrollment session at your campus (please see schedule below), or by accessing the BayBridge online enrollment site beginning on Monday, August 22. 

You can visit the Benefits Department on the South San ISD website for all Open Enrollment links and information in one place. 

If you have any questions, please email:

First page of the PDF file: 2022-_2023_Open_Enrollment_Schedule