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Student Eligibility

Student Eligibility

Transportation is available for all South San ISD students including those who live with-in two miles from their assigned school. Students residing within two miles of their assigned school including students that reside in neighborhood qualifies as hazardous under the district's transportation rating system may have transportation available as long as you register through the Transportation portal (infoFinder i). Click Register on the top lefthand corner under South San ISD, or call the Transportation Office for further assistance. 
Transportation is provided for students to and from the bus stop designated to service the student's residence of record.  Students are expected to ride their assigned bus and load/unload only at their assigned stop.  
The District does not provide transportation services to altenate locations including:
  • other residences such as a friends house, baby sitter or relative
  • business including parents business or place of employement
  • after school activities

Transfer students are NOT eligible for transportation route services. 

CAPP students are allowed transportation if their residence is more than 2 miles or in a hazardous neighborhood under the district's rating system. 

Pick Up Time Criteria

Regular transportation attempts to arrive at every bus stop on time. Due to variances between individual clocks, students are asked to arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival time. Buses will load students and depart the stop. Regular buses do not wait for late students. Special Needs Bus Transportation uses the same standard but will wait up to two minutes at a stop for a special needs student to load. Students are expected to proceed immediately to the bus. Bus drivers are instructed not to stop or open the door for late students once the bus begins to move for safety reasons. South San ISD strongly discourages students from approaching a moving bus.  

Bus stop guidelines for regular transportation:

Elementary school - bus stop will average up to .25 miles (1320 feet) if the area permits.
Middle school and High school - bus stop will average up to .50 miles (2640 feet) if the area permits.
Bus routes are created to enhance student safety while maximizing vehicle efficiency. Stops are created at locations that allow students to wait off the main roadway for the bus if at all possible. Stops are not placed in private gated communities, cul-de-sacs or dead-end streets. Bus stops will be located at the corner of intersections and middle of the block that match the distance guidelines. The above criteria apply to regular education students only. Special Program stops will have a consolidated bus stop such as elementary schools. Special needs stops are subject to different criteria.

Bus Ridership

School buses are rated by manufacturers to have a capacity of three riders per seat. SSAISD has adopted maximum ridership per bus at three riders per seat at elementary levels, two and a half riders per seat at middle school levels, and two riders per seat at high school levels.

Hazardous Routes

Definition of Hazardous Conditions: A hazardous condition exists when no safe walk path is provided and children must walk along or cross a freeway or expressway, an underpass or bridge, an uncontrolled major traffic artery, an industrial or commercial area or another comparable condition. Construction areas may be considered hazardous on an as-needed basis. Evaluations will be conducted by Safety committee comprised of Transportation Director, Transportation Supervisor, SSAISD Police department representative and Operations Executive Director. Hazardous routes must be approved in writing by SSAISD school board