Special Needs Transportation
Special Needs Transportation
We are pleased to provide quality educational services for your children. Our mission in Special Needs Transportation is to ensure “your child arrives at school and returns home safely with care and thought given to his/her individual needs.” Our success is a result of our commitment, skill, knowledge, understanding, and ability to communicate. All drivers and assistants participate in frequent service training to expand and improve their driving skills and upgrade their knowledge of helping children with special needs.
Beginning Service and Route Changes
In our system, everyone works hard to communicate needs and changes. When changes occur, routes must be revised and time changes communicated to all parents. Please plan to transport your child to and from school the first five days if the Admissions, Review, and Dismissal Committee (ARD) and/or placement changes occurring after school begins in August. When the Transportation Department receives the paperwork after the ARD, the Transportation Special Needs office will call within five days to inform you about the transportation arrangements.
As a parent, you can help support our mission by:
Attending your child's ARD committee meetings and Annual Reviews.
Completing the Special Needs Transportation Information Sheet.
Making sure that all contact addresses and phone numbers are valid.
Ensuring a responsible person is home when your child is picked up in the morning and brought home in the afternoon. (Drivers assume responsibility at the door of the bus in the morning and will not release the child until they see the responsible person after school.)
Having your child ready to board the bus within five minutes of scheduled time each morning.
Teaching your child to follow the bus rules. (A copy will be provided to you.)
Notifying the Transportation Dept. (210) 977-7075, as early as possible when your child will not be attending school. An answering machine is provided so that you may leave messages after hours if necessary. Failure to notify the Transportation Dept. five times; or three times for SLC, will result in termination of service until the parent/guardian calls the Transportation Dept. and reinstates the service.
Notifying the Transportation Dept. as early as possible when your child will not be attending school. An answering machine is provided so that you may leave messages after hours if necessary. Failure to notify the Transportation Dept. five times; or three times for SLC, will result in termination of service until the parent/guardian calls the Transportation Dept. and reinstates the service.
Communicating in writing any medical information, medication or student health status changes which would affect your child's transportation.
Being open to information from the driver or assistant regarding their observations and concerns.
Making sure your child goes to the restroom before boarding the bus.
Maintaining consistent daycare. (Frequent changes adversely affect bus schedules for all students assigned to the bus.)
Remembering that students in wheelchairs must have properly operating lock brakes, footrests, armrests, and a safety belt.