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Useful Links for Parents

Resources on Special Education in Texas
The following link will provide information regarding the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Dyslexia, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, and Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Texas Education Agency
1701 North Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701-1494
(512) 463-9734
Region 20 ESC
1314 Hines Avenue
San Antonio, Texas 78208-1899
(210) 370-5600
Fax (210) 370-5750
Interagency Council on Early Childhood Intervention
P.O. Box 149030
Austin, Texas 787119030
(512) 424-6745
Fax (512) 424-6785

Any Baby Can
Any Baby Can believe that the child can be saved without losing the family. Any Baby Can of San Antonio is a non-profit agency and all services are free of charge – regardless of income – to families who have childbirth through 12 years with a chronic illness, disability, or developmental delay that live in Bexar County or one of the 18 surrounding counties.

Enriching the lives of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

My Child's Special Needs ED.GOV
Resources from ED's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), including ... state chapters of disability organizations, parent groups, and parent training.

LD Explained
What is and isn’t a learning disability (LD)? LD is more than a difference or difficulty with learning — it is a neurological disorder that affects the brain's ability to receive, process, store, and respond to information.

Office of Special Needs Education Directory for Children with Special Needs
The Education Directory for Children with Special Needs provides military families with children with special needs the information they need to make informed assignment decisions and easier transitions.

The directory consists of two components: The Early Intervention Directory focusing on early intervention services for children birth through 3 years old The School-Age Directory focusing on education services for children with special needs, 3 through 21 years old Both provide tools and resources to help with the transition to a new location. The Early Intervention Directory summarizes national and state-level early intervention trends and includes descriptions of local early intervention service providers. The School-Age Directory summarizes national and state-level trends for special education and includes descriptions of individual school districts.