Surrogate Parents
Be a Surrogate Parent for a South San Student
What is a Surrogate Parent?
The Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that state and local school systems involve parents in decisions regarding their child needs. In cases where the child has no parents, none can be located, or the child is a ward of the state, a parent surrogate must be appointed to represent the child and protect the child’s rights in matters relating to the identification, evaluation, and placement in a special education program. A surrogate parent must also complete required training regarding Special Education laws, rules, procedures, and due process rights pertaining to a child with a disability and be willing to put in the time to adequately represent the best interests of the child.
Who cannot be a surrogate parent?
Anyone who is an employee of the state education agency, the local school district or any agency that is involved in the education or care of the child and anyone who has a conflict with the interest of the child cannot serve as a surrogate parent.
What are the responsibilities of a surrogate parent?
In Texas, surrogate parents are required to:
· Complete a training program as described in Commissioner's Rules Concerning Special Education
· Visit the child and the child’s school
· Consult with persons involved in the child’s education
· Review the child’s educational records
· Attend educational planning and decision making meetings
· Exercise independent judgment in pursuing the child’s interests
· Exercise the child’s due process rights
Additional activities for a surrogate parent include:
· Learn about the student’s background and educational history
· Know the child's interests, strengths, and weaknesses
· Observe the child at school and in other environments
· Meet with the child’s teacher(s), principal and other professionals working with the child
· Keep record or a file of all written information received from school personnel
· Review school records, particularly the current evaluation, placements, and services
· Maintain confidentiality to protect the student’s privacy
· Ask questions concerning anything you do not understand
· Be familiar with all aspects of the child to become an effective and informed advocate
What specifically, does a surrogate parent need to know?
Identification of a student with a disability
Collection of evaluation and re-evaluation data relating to a student with a disability
Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee process
Development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and for a student who is at least 16 years of age, Transition Service
Determination of Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
Implementation of an IEP
Procedural rights and safeguards
Sources that the surrogate parent may contact to obtain assistance in understanding the laws, rules, and regulations relating to students with disabilities