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Questions and Answers


What is needed to change my last name? 
What if I need to change my direct deposit? 
What if I need to change my Designation of Beneficiary? 
What if I need to change my address?
1. Q What is needed to change my last name?

A To do a name change you need your Driver License and Social Security card with your new Last Name.

2. Q What if I need to change my direct deposit?

A New form needs to be completed we need a new voided check not deposit slip.(form is located in FORMS section)

3. Q What if I need to change my Designation of Beneficiary?

A New Beneficiary Designation Change form needs to be completed, once new one is received old form becomes void.  

4. Q What if I need to change my address?

A Complete change of address form and send it in to Human Resource Department. (form is located in FORMS section)