Q & A
General Questions
1. What are my child's rights in regards to textbooks? My child's teacher only has one class set.
State law states that a student's parent is entitled to request that the school district or open-enrollment charter school the student attends allow the student to take home any textbook used by the student. Subject to the availability of a textbook, the district or school shall honor the request. A student who takes home a textbook must return the textbook to school at the beginning of the next school day if requested to do so by the student's teacher.
State Adoption of Instructional Materials
Review and Adoption Cycles http://www.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/adoptprocess/adoptioncycle.pdf.
2. What is the difference between the foundation and enrichment subjects?
Texas Education Code (TEC) §28.002, Required Curriculum:
Foundation Curriculum
English Language Arts and Reading
Social Studies, consisting of Texas, United States, and world history, government, and geography
Enrichment Curriculum:
Languages other than English
Physical education
Fine arts
Economics, with emphasis on the free enterprise system and its benefits
Career and technology education
Technology applications
3. What information does the agency provide for new adoptions?
The Texas Education Code requires that the agency provides to the districts, by December 1 following the adoption, the list of conforming and the list of nonconforming textbooks for the next school year.
Conforming Textbooks: Those textbooks that meet 100% of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for the grade and subject are error-free, and meet the manufacturing standards.
Nonconforming Textbooks: Those textbooks that meet at least 50% of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for the grade and subject are error-free, and meet the manufacturing standard.
Information regarding the conforming and nonconforming textbooks can be found on the TEA website at HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/materials/index.html"HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/materials/index.html"http://www.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/materials/index.html.
There is NO difference between the eligibility and distribution of conforming and nonconforming textbooks.
The state will pay up to the maximum cost for both conforming and nonconforming textbooks.
Reasons for Nonconforming: The agency must provide information detailing the reasons why an adopted textbook is not on the conforming list, including the TEKS not covered by the nonconforming materials.
State Review Panelshttp://www.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/adoptprocess/index.htm
4. What is the process for applying to serve on the State Review Panel?
Review panel nomination forms are available on the textbook administration website from October - December. You can also secure a form from your school district superintendent, the professional teacher organization, or state legislator.
HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/faq.html" \l "top#top"HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/faq.html" \l "top#top"
Local Operations
1. How do we get samples of newly adopted instructional materials?
All publishers must provide information to school districts and charter schools that fully describe their state-adopted materials. This may be a letter or brochure. If districts request a sample copy of the materials, publishers must provide it. All such requests should be directed to the publisher or its designated depository.
Special Instructional Materials HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/faq.html" \l "Q1Special#Q1Special"HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/faq.html" \l "Q1Special#Q1Special"
1. What materials are available for my visually impaired child?
The state provides state-adopted instructional materials in both Braille and large-type versions for students with visual impairments. Audiotape textbooks are provided by Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D) in Austin. Teacher's editions for visually impaired teachers may be obtained through the Division of Instructional Materials and Educational Technology in either Braille or large-type versions.
2. How do we order textbooks for visually impaired students?
Submit an order through EMAT Online, under the EVI menu. Submit an order via the paper form (the copy is downloadable at HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/emat/evhreq.rtf"http://www.tea.state.tx.us/emat/evhreq.rtf.
3. How do I get a textbook on a tape?
Contact the Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic, Texas Unit, 1314 W. 45th Street, Austin, Texas 78756. You can reach them by phone at 512-323-9390 or visit their website at HYPERLINK "http://www.rfbd.org/"HYPERLINK "http://www.rfbd.org/"http://www.rfbd.org.
4. Can we order large-type textbooks for dyslexic students?
Current legislation only allows for providing special textbooks to students who are blind or visually impaired.HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/faq.html" \l "top#top"HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/faq.html" \l "top#top"HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/emat/evhreq.rtf"
HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/faq.html" \l "top#top"HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/faq.html" \l "top#top"