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Federal & State Programs

South San Antonio Independent School District participates in federally-funded programs aimed at enhancing student academic performance by providing low-income and at-risk students with high-quality, supplemental educational support services to enable all our children to meet state student performance standards.

The Federal and State Programs Office focuses on providing guidance and support to campus, district administrators and staff pertaining to regulations and policies for federal and state funding. The Federal and State Programs Office is dedicated to implementing effective processes that maximize the District’s formula and discretionary funds to foster compliance with all applicable federal and state mandates. Our goal is to ensure all our students are provided with exceptional supplemental support services and resources in an effort to increase student success.

South San Antonio ISD receives funding from the following entitlement programs:

Every Student Succeeds Act Consolidated Federal Grant:

  • Title I, Part A: Support high quality and comprehensive educational programs and services during the school year.
  • Title I, Part C: Ensure migratory children who move among the states receive full and appropriate opportunities.
  • Title I,  1003: School Improvement Grant
  • Title II, Part A: Supporting effective instruction by improving the quality of teachers, principals and other school leaders.
  • Title III, Part A:  English Language Acquisition, language enhancement, and academic achievement.
  • Title III, Part A:  Immigrant
  • Title IV, Part A: Student support and academic enrichment

Special Education Consolidated Grant:

  • IDEA-B Formula
  • IDEA-B Pre-School

Other Entitlement Programs:

  • Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education Act for the 21st Century
  • Silent Panic Alert Technology Grant
  • School Safety Standards Formula Grant
  • State Compensatory Education


Additionally, South San Antonio ISD receives discretionary funds for the following competitive grant programs:
  • Head Start, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • GEAR UP, U.S. Department of Education
  • Bullet Resistant Shield Grant, Office of the Governor 
  • Texas Covid Learning Acceleration Supports(TCLAS)
  • Teacher Incentive Allotment(TIA)
  • Pre K 4 SA
  • City of San Antonio (COSA)
  • Bexar County ARPA
Elizbeth S. Martinez
Director of Federal & State Programs
Office: (210) 977-7000 ext: 3568
Headshot 1
Clarissa Mireles
Grant Coordinator
Office: (210) 977-7000 ext: 3595
1450 Gillette Blvd
San Antonio, TX. 78224