Pre-K/Head Start Information
South San Antonio Independent School District Welcomes your family to our Early Childhood Program!
South San Antonio ISD Head Start plays an important role in promoting the health and safety of children by helping them to establish lifelong healthy patterns. Healthy students are better learners, and academic achievement bears a lifetime of benefits for health. Our Head Start program staff ensure that our children are up to date on immunizations, their state’s Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) schedule, learn healthy eating habits, and promote the physical and social, and emotional well-being of children and their families. Our staff works diligently to assist families to establish a medical and dental home or affordable no-cost community resources that will have access to quality health care at all times. Your Family Service Facilitator will ask for copies of the current child’s well exam, dental exam, and immunizations throughout the year.
Head Start de South San Antonio ISD juega un papel importante en la promoción de la salud y la seguridad de los niños al ayudarlos a establecer patrones de salud para toda la vida. Los estudiantes sanos aprenden mejor y los logros académicos conllevan beneficios para la salud de por vida. Nuestro personal del programa Head Start se asegura de que nuestros niños estén al día con las vacunas, el cronograma de diagnóstico y tratamiento de detección temprana y periódica (EPSDT) de su estado, aprendan hábitos alimenticios saludables y promuevan el bienestar físico, social y emocional de los niños y sus familias. Nuestro personal trabaja diligentemente para ayudar a las familias a establecer un hogar médico y dental o recursos comunitarios asequibles y sin costo que tendrán acceso a atención médica de calidad en todo momento. Su facilitador de servicios familiares le pedirá copias del examen de bienestar del niño actual, examen dental e inmunizaciones durante todo el año.
- Individualized Learning
- Quality Child/Staff Ratios
- Develop School Readiness Skills
- Culturally Diverse Activities
- Fostering of Each Child’s Independence
- Follows the district calendar and is a full-day program.
- It offers every child a quality, comprehensive preschool experience in a nurturing and safe environment.
- Effective early education programs improve the learning and development of all children.
- Provide developmentally appropriate teaching methods and instructional materials for its young learners.
- Serve Children with Disabilities
- Screenings and Ongoing Assessments
- Individualized Activities
- Individual Education Plans
- Coordination with contractual and district resources
- Parent Advocacy and Training
Health and Safety:
- Medical and Dental Case Management
- Clean and Safe Environments
- Family Style Eating
- Nutritious Meals
- Case Management Support
- Promotion of Cultural Diversity
- Promotion of Self Sufficiency through Partnership Agreements
- Assistance with Accessing Community Resources and Services
- Transportation may be Available for Children Meeting Eligibility Criteria
- Opportunities for Parent Engagement Activities
- Fatherhood Initiative
- Mental Health Supports
SSAISD knows that parents are a child’s most important teachers and is committed to building strong relationships with parents to enhance and enrich the development of children.