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Special Dietary Needs


Special Dietary Needs
SSAISD Child Nutrition Services accommodates students with special dietary needs according to the following Federal and State guidelines.

Food substitution or modifications must be made for the student with a disability or if there is a nutritional component to a student’s IEP.
Food substitutions or modifications can be made for students without a disability providing that the required Special Dietary Needs Form is completed by a licensed physician or other medical authority. The Special Dietary Needs Form can be acquired by the school nurse or is located in the link below.

Child Nutrition Services works closely with Health Services to identify and accommodate students with Special Dietary needs. Parents or guardians are encouraged to indicate student food allergies or intolerances on the Emergency Card in order to help identify students with special dietary needs.

Students with specific food preferences, likes, or dislikes are not accommodated and should not be confused with allergies and other medical conditions that require accommodation. The student menu offers a variety of choices. Students are encouraged to select a variety of foods to promote good health and good eating habits.

If a student is unable to make their own food choices, documentation must be on file to reflect the student’s inability to go through the cafeteria line and make their own selections.