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Workers Compensation

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When you get hurt at work, it is important to provide timely notice (within 24 hours) to your supervisor and to seek treatment if needed.

This will ensure that your injury is addressed as soon as possible, and offer you the best possible health outcome.

It is never a good idea to wait to report!

Please use the "Workers' Compensation Packet" below to report your injury:

Employee: When completing the forms, please be thorough and precise.

All details, such as location/address where the injury occurred and the time of the injury, are needed.

You MUST complete the "Elect Leave Benefits with Workers' Compensation" form.

Admin/Principal/Secretary: Please email the completed packet to or fax it to 210-939-6123.

If further guidance is needed, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Benefits Team 210-977-7000 or