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HIPAA Notice

1450 Gillette Blvd, San Antonio, Tx. 78224     

(210)977-7043 Fax (210)939-6123



South San Antonio Independent School District Self-Funded Health Insurance Plan

Protecting Your Health Information Privacy Rights

October 2022

South San Antonio ISD is committed to the privacy of your health information. The administrators of the South San Antonio ISD Self-Funded Health Insurance Plan (the “Plan”) use strict privacy standards to protect your health information from unauthorized use or disclosure.

The Plan’s policies protecting your privacy rights and your rights under the law are described in the Plan’s Notice of Privacy Practices. You may receive a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices by contacting the Benefits Department at 210-977-7000. The notice is also available online at /Domain/331.


HIPAA Special Enrollment Rights

South San Antonio ISDs Initial Notice of Your HIPAA Special Enrollment Rights

Our records show that you are eligible to participate in the South San ISD’s Organization’s Group Health Plan (to actually participate, you must complete an enrollment form and pay part of the premium through payroll deduction).

A federal law called HIPAA requires that we notify you about an important provision in the plan - your right to enroll in the plan under its “special enrollment provision” if you acquire a new dependent, or if you decline coverage under this plan for yourself or an eligible dependent while other coverage is in effect and later lose that other coverage for certain qualifying reasons.

Loss of Other Coverage (Excluding Medicaid or a State Children’s Health Insurance Program). If you decline enrollment for yourself or for an eligible dependent (including your spouse) while other health insurance or group health plan coverage is in effect, you may be able to enroll yourself and your dependents in this plan if you or your dependents lose eligibility for that other coverage (or if the employer stops contributing toward your or your dependents’ other coverage). However, you must request enrollment within 30 days after your or your dependents’ other coverage ends (or after the employer stops contributing toward the other coverage).

Loss of Coverage for Medicaid or a State Children’s Health Insurance Program. If you decline enrollment for yourself or for an eligible dependent (including your spouse) while Medicaid coverage or coverage under a state children’s health insurance program is in effect, you may be able to enroll yourself and your dependents in this plan if you or your dependents lose eligibility for that other coverage. However, you must request enrollment within 60 days after your or your dependents’ coverage ends under Medicaid or a state children’s health insurance program.

New Dependent by Marriage, Birth, Adoption, or Placement for Adoption. If you have a new dependent as a result of marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption, you may be able to enroll yourself and your new dependents. However, you must request enrollment within 30 days after the marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption.

Eligibility for Medicaid or a State Children’s Health Insurance Program. If you or your dependents (including your spouse) become eligible for a state premium assistance subsidy from Medicaid or through a state children’s health insurance program with respect to coverage under this plan, you may be able to enroll yourself and your dependents in this plan. However, you must request enrollment within 60 days after your or your dependents’ determination of eligibility for such assistance.

To request special enrollment or to obtain more information about the plan’s special enrollment provisions, contact the Benefits Department at 210-977-7043.