Health & Wellness
Health and Wellness Information
Mental Health
Texas Department of State Health Services / Health and Human Services
Search for Your Local Mental Health Authority - Buscar la entidad de salud mental ensu localidad
To learn more about community mental health services that are available in your area please go to the following link: for a list of local mental health authorities and their crisis hotlines.
Available services:
- Crisis Services
- Medical Services
- Counseling Services
- Rehabilitative Services
- Collaborative Services
- Financial Services
- Forensic Services
Areas with the 78242 zip code include the following (visit the website for other areas by zip code):
Center for Health Care Services
Crisis Phone: 800-316-9241
Main Phone: 210-361-1000
Hill Country Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities Centers
Crisis Phone: 877-466-0660
Main Phone: 830-792-3300
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