Enrolling your dependents
Enrolling Dependents
All benefits eligible employees can enroll a spouse and/or dependent (under age 26). Please note, adult child dependents are no longer eligible for coverage as of the last day of their 26th birthday month and will automatically be dropped from benefits coverage.
You can enroll the following types of dependents:
- Your legal spouse
- Your common-law spouse (Declaration of Informal Marriage documentation is required)
- A dependent child* under age 26
You must provide proof of dependent status (federal tax return showing they are claimed as a dependent or other proof of residency/support documentation), and proof of the incapacity within 31 days of the dependent child’s 26th birthday for coverage to continue. Children include your natural born children, adopted children (from the date the child is placed in your home for adoption), stepchildren, foster children, children of your domestic partner, children under your legal guardianship and children for who you are legally responsible for providing health coverage under an agency or court order.
Full Time Employees: You have 31 days from your hire date
Qualifying Event: You have 31 days from the date of your life event
Adding a Dependent? Review the chart below for eligibility guideline and to determine which documents you need to submit to the benefit enroller.