Special Education Determination Status
Special Education Determination Status
The 2022 Results Driven Accountability (RDA): Performance Framework includes information about the purpose and method for making local educational agency (LEA) determinations for the three RDA program areas. The TEA, per its obligation under 20 USC §1416(a) and 34 CFR §300.600(a)(2), is required to make annual determinations on the performance of LEAs using four determination levels (DLs): Meets Requirements (DL 1), Needs Assistance (DL 2), Needs Intervention (DL 3), and Needs Substantial Intervention (DL 4). Determinations for SPED are based on the performance levels (PLs) of both the program-specific RDA indicators and four federally required elements (FREs).
The determinations for each LEA were published on November 7, 2022, in the Ascend Texas application accessible through the Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL). District Reports are available on the Results Driven Accountability Data and Reports webpage.