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Career and Technical Education


The mission of Career and Technical Education (CTE) is to empower students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy while providing lifelong learning with academic and technical preparedness to succeed in their chosen careers.  CTE programs and courses provide unlimited educational opportunities for all students to acquire the necessary skills needed for direct entry into a global workforce or for continuing their education at the post-secondary level.

CTE Program Goals:

  • To provide the opportunity for each middle school student to identify career interests that are related to a career cluster, to develop an educational plan, and to select a logical sequence of courses.
  • To offer each student career learning experiences prior to graduation from high school so that they exit ready to enter career fields that are in high demand, require high skills, and offer high wages.
  • To provide each student upon graduation with academic and technical skills needed to pursue post-secondary education opportunities (technical school, community college, college or university) related to a career interest identified in high school.
  • To provide each student the knowledge and skills required to earn an industry based certification.
  • To provide each student with the knowledge that ethical behavior and work place skills are integral to successful employment.
  • To incorporate new and emerging foundation skills needed to perform tasks proficiently at current business and industry standards.
  • To provide all students, elementary through secondary, with career awareness education opportunities.
