• Automatic College Admission

    Students who graduate with a grade point average in the top of their high school graduating class may be eligible for certain privileges when applying to college.

    Dissemination of Information 

    In accordance with Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.026, each high school in the school district must post appropriate signs regarding automatic college admission as outlined under the Uniform Admission Policy (TEC, §51.803). District staff must post signs in each

    • Counselor's office,
    • Principal's office, and
    • administrative building.

    To assist in the dissemination of this information, the school district must:

    • Require that each high school counselor and class advisor receive a detailed explanation of the substance of the Uniform Admission Policy
    • Provide each student, at the time the student first registers for one or more classes required for high school graduation, with a written notification of the substance of the Uniform Admission Policy
    • Require that each high school counselor and senior class advisor explain to eligible students the substance of the Uniform Admission Policy

    Notification of Eligibility

    In accordance with TEC, §28.026, and Texas Administrative Code (TAC), §61.1201, school districts are required to provide written notification of eligibility for automatic college admission under the Uniform Admission Policy (TEC §51.803) to students before the 14th day after the last day of the fall semester. Districts are required to notify

    • Each eligible senior,
    • Each junior with a grade point average in the top ten percent, and
    • The student’s parents or guardian.